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📣 I'm an avid advocate of users and the values of UX.

Advocating for users doesn’t mean delivering users’ voices regardless of the context and project goals. For me, it’s a delicate craft to learn which part of the voices should be taken in while balancing factors from different parties’ interests.
Advocating for the values of UX is a lesson I learned progressively while working for the federal government. When user experience is no longer associated with revenue, how should we demonstrate UX values and get organization-wide buy-in? I’m still on an arduous journey to answer this question.
Note: Images are intentionally presented in low resolution.

Example #1: Refer to user data whenever possible

As the most basic format of deliverables, reports have a bad reputation for being lengthy and therefore nobody wants to read it. The way I treat reports during my work is very dependent on the context and the audience. Most of the time, it’s leveraged as a way to archive solid records of our team’s work, which helps us prepare for critical conversations and traceable evidence of what we did or what stakeholders requested. Reports for this purpose are written in complete details. Other times, when it’s expected to be sent to stakeholders for review, I would separately create a succinct version that outlines the key points they want to know. Plus, a full version is attached for further reading.

Example #2: Team strategy research

I reviewed many resources to learn the best practices for getting stakeholders’ buy-in, and generated a strategy roadmap for the team along with a detailed guidance document.
Two immediate actions were taken to implement the strategy:
  1. Establish a UX repository
  1. Leverage Slack channel for external communication

Example #3: An organization-wide presentation to promote UX and our team

I delivered this presentation together with my manager during the “lunch & learn” series. Here are a few representative slides from a packed yet well-organized deck.

If you'd like to learn more about the context (what triggered me to explore this topic) and some detailed findings, please check out these two articles I published on Medium:

Email: vanessatinberus@gmail.com